
An ongoing challenge of quail managers is ensuring that their fall bird populations translate into consistent covey finds during the hunting season. This is no easy task given the range of variables that can impact hunting success

CoveyIQ was developed to improve hunting performance by providing managers with real-time information on areas such as dog and hunt course productivity, covey mapping and hunt planning.

CoveyIQ combines mobile apps for collecting field data with a secure website where this and other data is organized.

Our apps were designed to minimize the time required to log hunt data while using technology to gather spatial, temporal and environmental data. The result is an easy-to-use mobile tool that captures a broad range of information on each hunt.

Each user’s field data is organized in their account in CoveyIQ’s website which functions as an information management system which, among other features, allows users to sort their hunt data by time period, dog, hunt course and party.

We recently added offseason management tools to the website, as well as a map module which maps the locations of each user’s covey encounters.

CoveyIQ was developed in 2011 on a wild quail plantation in South Carolina. In 2012, we offered the service to other quail managers in the South Carolina low country and South Georgia. Today we’re honored to have dozens of plantations and ranches located from Central Florida to South Texas using CoveyIQ. Over time, we hope the data we’re collecting will advance quail research.

For more information on CoveyIQ, please email us at info@coveyiq.com

View a demo of our app